Rock Harbor Search and Rescue by Colleen Coble is an installment of the new series. Emily’s stepmom is a search and rescue team member along with her dog, Charlie. Emily has been going along with them for a while now and is excited to think that her dad has agreed to help her purchase her own puppy to train. Emily makes jewelry and is planning a big sale at the next craft sale in town soon. She needs $150 for her share and she hopes that she will have it ready by next month when her puppy will be ready. She hoped it until she was accused of stealing the $1000 necklace of the person selling in the booth next to hers. Her family and friends except her best friend Olivia all act like they believe she is lying when she says that she did not do it.
I liked this book and would recommend it for reading for any student with the ability to read it. It is a good mystery probably of interest to those of middle school age. There is an appropriate love interest among the 14-16 age group of the primary characters in the story. There is discussion of the difficulties of working through parent’s divorce for the children in the family as well as the difficulties of physical abuse from a parent and how that affects the children.
I received this book from Booksneeze for this review.
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