Fraying at the Edge by Cindy Woodsmall is the second installment of the Amish of Summer Grove series. This installment follows Ariana and Skylar as they now are required by Nicholas the biological father of Ariana and the father who helped raise Skylar to switch lives. Ariana follows his edict because she wants to make sure that the midwife who brought her into this world does not get sued and Skylar because she was given the choice of go into drug rehab or go into the Amish family in which she was supposed to belong before being switched at birth. Ariana is as completely lost in the English world of cell phones, electricity and cars as Skylar is with living the Amish lifestyle of hard work and living with her new sisters all in the same bedroom. Both girls must dig deep into their own strengths in order to survive in their new surroundings. Ariana is no longer living the deeply religious family centered life and now is expected to learn new skills such as driving a car with her atheist father while at the same time Skylar is being expected to help with gardening, the closeness of a large family, and helping out in the family café while detoxing from her old drug filled lifestyle. Skylar has attempted to keep in contact with her boyfriend who occasionally brings her the drugs she needs as well as stealing from the cash drawer and the medicine cabinets of family members. Ariana even though missing her family and her boyfriend learns to accept and even enjoy some of the new opportunities offered by her new family as well as reconnecting with her old friends Quill and Frieda. Skylar learns to love herself and the closeness of a loving family while dealing with her feelings of rejection from the family that she had always known.
I loved this installment from this series and I am so anxiously awaiting the next installment. This one was quite possibly better than the Ties that Bind 1st book of the series. This book deepens the development of all the characters in the 1st as well as deepening the reader's understanding of the characters complex personalities. As in real life each one has a reason for being the way that they are. This is quite possibly Ms. Woodsmall best book and that is saying a lot because I have loved them all. Hurry and write the next one. I am so excited to read it.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
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