Friday, June 5, 2015

How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible by Keith Ferrin

How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible by Keith Ferrin is a book about just that-enjoying reading your Bible.  Reading your Bible not because you feel guilt if you don't but rather reading your Bible because it is exciting and enjoyable and you just can't wait to be able to read it again to find more that God wants to tell you.  Does this sound crazy or fanciful?  This book on its own is an enjoyable read but if that were it you would miss the point.  The author is a speaker who memorizes entire books of the Bible then does dramatic presentations of that book on stage for audiences.  Not only that but people come to hear him and enjoy it.  Mr. Ferrin explains in this book how the reader can also experience this joy of building a relationship with God through enjoying and reading the Bible-His letter to you personally.

Mr. Ferrin has developed 10 tips for reading and enjoying the Bible.  He has put it into a Bible study format but certainly the reader does not have to be a part of a study group in order to read and enjoy reading the Bible using his methods.  Really his methods, once you have read them make perfect sense and you will have many aha moments.  I would recommend reading this book for any Bible readers who are new Christians or even mature Christians who would like more enjoyment from Bible reading.  Who hasn't read the Bible from guilt or worse yet didn't read the Bible from fear of boredom. hmmmm.
I received this book from Bethany House for this review.

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